Two Types of New Emerging AI – Opportunities and Challenges
Artificial intelligence (AI) has soared in popularity over the last decade. Businesses have unlocked several use cases that deliver efficiency improvements and innovations. But implementing AI is not a walk in the park. Most AI projects do not go beyond the proof-of-concept stage. 87% of AI models never go to production. A majority of projects […]
Top Seven Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022-23
The stakes of cybersecurity have increased in the post-COVID digital-first world. Cyber attackers have become more professional. They launch sophisticated AI-based attacks at will. Remote work and the proliferation of IoT render conventional security apparatus obsolete. Most employees access the network from outside the firewall, rendering conventional firewalls inefficient. The increase in remote endpoints, owing […]
The Value of Data-as-a-Service (DaaS)
The efficacy of any business in today’s digital age depends on how well they collect and process data to make informed decisions. But most enterprises cannot cope with increasing data volumes. They do not have the workforce or the tools to leverage the potential of big data. Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) offers a solution to such harried […]
How Can You Protect Your Organisation from Social Engineering Attacks
Cybercriminals always try ingenious ways to launch attacks. They have recently caught social engineering attacks as an effective way to breach networks. Conventional cyber attacks exploit inherent vulnerabilities in the network to gain access. Social engineering attacks exploit human weaknesses. The hacker could, for instance, impersonate support staff and trick employees out of their passwords. […]
Seven Biggest Issues IT Faces Today and How to Deal With Them
IT is always changing. The volatile nature of the technology makes it impossible to settle down with a fixed stack. CIOs and other IT leaders always have to balance routine maintenance and transformation. The C-suite regards IT as a cost-centre and remains hesitant to release funds. Side-by-side, customers, both external and internal, have become demanding […]
The Biggest Cloud Computing Security Threat that Should Worry You
Cyber-attacks have been relentless over the last decade, with the scope and magnitude of the threat increasing daily. Enterprising cybercriminals launch sophisticated Artificial Intelligence-based attacks. Such attacks prey on vulnerabilities or trick users through phishing campaigns. The COVID-19 pandemic increased cyber-attacks by 600% more than before. Today, a malware attack costs a company over $2.5 […]
How IT Leaders Can Continue Digital Transformation amid Talent Crisis
Businesses across the world face a perfect storm in the talent crisis. Most industries, especially tech-based ones, have been reeling under severe talent shortages. Skill development has not kept pace with technological advancement. Many enterprises go slow or keep in abeyance digital transformation because they cannot afford the high cost of talent. At times, talent […]
Five IT Cost Optimisation Techniques That Actually Help
Many enterprises mistake cost optimisation with cost cutting. Cost cutting reduces expenditure to make the business more profitable or tide over a financial crisis. Cost optimisation is a long-term, permanent effort ingrained into business processes. The aim is to improve efficiency and ROI. Gartner defines cost optimisation as a continuous, sustained discipline to control spending […]
Digital Leadership – What Is It?
The post-COVID economy is a digital-first economy. Customers and employees prefer to engage digitally and transact online. Enterprises have no option but to shore up their digital capabilities. They must invest in the latest digital technology and upgrade the software to enable seamless remote work. Implementing new technology is difficult though. The enterprise and the […]
How Can AI Help You Fight Against Sophisticated Cyber Attacks?
Cyber attacks become more menacing and sophisticated with every passing day. Enterprising cybercriminals leverage the latest technologies, including AI, to take down any network. Even governments and Fortune 500 companies have fallen to such assaults. Cyber attackers have always been resourceful. They now use Artificial intelligence (AI) to upgrade their cyber weaponry in a big […]
The Truth About Artificial Intelligence and ROI You Should Know
The stakes of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are rising every day. Early adopters have reaped rich dividends, with the possibilities limited only by imagination. But implementing AI is tough. The McKinsey State of AI 2020 reveals only 22% of enterprises extract quantifiable value from AI. Even when convinced of AI benefits, enterprises often do not commit […]
From Coders to CTOs – New Age Technical Leadership
Most coders or developers start their careers enthusiastically. But after doing the same thing day in and day out, boredom soon steps in. As they age, they become less satisfied with their work, working environment, and company culture. They soon become frustrated with things in the enterprise outside their control. Very few developers talk to […]