Four ways Banks can Deliver on Hyper-Personalisation

Banks have been providing personalised services for a long time. They offer differentiated services and various facilities for customers, especially high net-worth clients. In today’s digital age, personalisation has become more intense. Banks leverage data and analytics to predict customer needs and offer relevant interactions. Many customers trade personal data for such improved service. “Hyper-personalization” […]

What is workplace experience? A vital factor for business success

How to Improve Workplace Experience to make your Business more Competitive

With the advent of Industry 4.0, employee workplace experience has become a key determinant of business success. Open source and easy availability have made technology a level playing field. The key competitive differentiator is the talent and skills of the workforce. Superior employee experience attracts and retains talent and enables competitive advantage. Employee experience is […]

How to overcome the Menace of Insider Threats in Financial Services

How to Keep your Finance Service Business Safe from Rogue Insiders

Ransomware operators and other threat actors are targeting the financial services industry more intensely than ever. The financial service sector has more robust cyber defences compared to other industries. But many companies in the sector have rogue insiders. Insider threats are internal users, such as employees or contractors with network access, who compromise critical data or […]

5G, IoT, and Cloud, the winning combination for your business

How enterprises can Realise Competitive Advantage through 5G, IoT, Edge, and the Cloud.

5G, one of the most exciting developments of the decade, is finally becoming mainstream. 5G connections will grow from 10 million in 2019 to one billion in 2023, with a CAGR of 217%. 5G’s exceptional bandwidth, improved reliability, and ultra-low latency will enable a paradigm shift in mobile communications. But the real potential of 5G […]

Supply Chain Cyber Security: Six Important Advances

How to Protect Business Supply Chain from Cyber Attacks

Businesses rely on third-party shippers, outsourced customer support agents, and other independent contractors. The involvement of such third-party vendors has increased over the last couple of years. The fragmented business ecosystem makes such independent vendors integral to the ecosystem. But such supply chain partners also pose huge cyber risks for the business. Compromising the partner’s […]

Meeting Today’s Security Challenges through Data Analytics

Best Practices in Data Analytics to Strengthen Cyber Security

Cyber threats get meaner with every passing day, and show no signs of abating. Conventional security deployments no longer suffice for new business models that attract complex threats. For instance, the bulk of the network traffic in today’s age of remote work comes from outside the network firewall. Such changed realities necessitate new approaches to […]

Types of Customer Analytics and How to Use Them for Better CX

Five Types of Customer Analytics to Boost CX

No business survives without attracting customers. The customer experience (CX), or how businesses engage with customers at every point of the buying journey, is just as necessary as a good product. The best products or intuitive business models may not save the company if customers stay away due to poor service or lack of connection. […]

5 Key Trends That Will Impact Your Strategic Planning (APAC)

The Key Trends Influencing Businesses in APAC in 2022

Future-fit businesses remain resilient to sense and respond to external environment changes. But success depends on active trend plotting.  A recent Gartner survey estimates that 60% of enterprises do not have a formal trendspotting process. Businesses that do not listen to external trends get their strategic planning wrong. They miss critical inputs in their strategic […]

Four Types of Data Analytics to Improve Decision-Making

The Four Main Types of Data Analytics and How to Use Them for Effective Decision-Making

Data analytics answers pressing questions and unlocks insights to deliver efficiencies. The right analytics allow decision-makers to identify trends and make better-quality decisions. They can make better strategies and understand the implications of each course of action better. The speed of decision-making also improves. But not all analytics lead to better decision-making. Here are the […]

Blockchain technology for supply chain fix – A must or a maybe?

Can Blockchain Solve Supply-Chain Profitability and Make it Better?

Blockchain is the red-hot technology off the block. Initially associated with bitcoins, the technology now finds application in several other functions, including supply chains.  Blockchain is a distributed registry that validates records and distributes transactions publically in immutable, encrypted ledgers. The word refers to “blocks” of verified, unchangeable transactions connected in a chronological “chain.” These […]

Role of In-Memory Technologies in Cloud Migrations

Role of In-Memory Technologies in Cloud Migrations

Cloud migrations continue unabated as businesses seek cost advantages, scalability, flexibility, and better performance. But not all cloud migrations are the same or deliver the intended benefits.  Many businesses seek the same application capabilities in the cloud as they have on-premises. They only look for benefits in cost and speed. Such a net-generation infrastructure upgrade […]

Personnel Cost Optimization in an Inflationary Environment

Personnel Cost Optimization in an Inflationary Environment

The goal of HR managers, like that of all other functional heads, is to optimise costs. With prices rising and a recession around the corner, getting the most out of every dollar spent becomes even more pressing. Here are eight strategies for reducing HR costs in today’s inflationary environment.  A) Cut administrative expenses Administrative overheads […]

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