Ransomware Attacks Are Evolving, Your Cybersecurity Strategies Too

Cyber threats are increasing in scope and magnitude with every passing day. Among the different attacks, ransomware attacks have become very potent. Ransomware started as a floppy disk-based attack in the 1980s, with a modest ransom demand of $189. Today, enterprises that fall victim to ransomware pay $233,217 to the hackers, on average, and suffer […]

Top Security Industry Innovations that Will Prevent new wave of Cyber Threats

The stakes of cyber security have never been higher. Attacks have become complex and sophisticated. Mobility, work-from-home, and the spread of IoT have increased the attack surface of late. By 2027, there will be 41 billion IoT devices connected online. The rush to move applications to the cloud in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic […]

What’s The Right Approach to Cybersecurity

Cyber threats increase in magnitude and volume every year. Cybercrime costs enterprises $2.9 million every minute. Hackers committing data breaches exposed 36 billion records data breaches in 2020. Malware use increased by 358%, and the use of ransomware increased by 435%, in 2020. Enterprises struggle to keep their networks secure against such high-volume and high-intensity […]

AI and Threat Intelligence for Better Cybersecurity

Cyber-attacks keep growing in volumes and intensity. Cyber-crimes will cost enterprises globally a whopping $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, up from $3 trillion in 2015, with a CAGR of 15%. Accenture’s Cost of Cybercrime Study estimates that 43% of cyber-attacks affect small businesses. But only 14% of them can defend themselves. IT teams deploy network […]

Trickiest Mobile Security Threats for Enterprises to Fight

In the digital era, businesses of all sizes are prone to plenty of security threats spreading from devices like computers and mobile phones. Fortune 500 enterprises are facing the highest amount of risk, due to a large number of employees and turnover in millions.  In an ideal hacker world, the higher the risk of a […]